Our History
The John Calvin School in Albany has its origin in the Dutch migration wave of the 1950’s, when many members of the Dutch Reformed Church (Liberated) arrived in Western Australia and settled in Albany. Mindful of the biblical mandate to educate their children in the fear of the Lord, the desire for a Reformed School led to the formation of School Committee on the 5th of August, 1954.
In keeping with the conviction that education was the shared responsibility of the whole church, the school would be funded through the Association membership fees rather than fees charged only to parents with children at school; an enduring principle which still applies today, although since the 1960’s the provision of government funding has been a significant blessing.
On a meeting held on the 20th of September, 1954, it was decided to call into being a School Association. However, it still took another seven years before the school finally could be opened. On the 21st day of May, 1962, the school opened its door to 53 students. The first Principal was Dr. G. Spyker, also a recent immigrant from the Netherlands.
For quite some year, students who completed their Year 7 studies were directed to the local high school in order to continue their education. However, in 1983 the school expanded its learning program to include lessons for the students in Years 8 to 10. The school building saw an expansion with the addition of more specialised facilities and teachers. At that time there were 19 students, which has grown to over 70 students today.
Since those days, the school has continued to grow in size and number. Today, there are over 30 staff members at the John Calvin School, and 200 + students. The changes at school have been significant. Most important, however, are the things which have not changed: a commitment to God-centred education under the blessing of faithful covenant God who remain the same forever!