School Committee
Albany Free Reformed Church Education Association – School Committee
The John Calvin School is blessed to have a highly committed and diligent School Committee. The School Committee consists of seven (7) members, meeting once a month throughout the year. These meetings are held on Thursday evenings in the Staff Room.
It is the School Committee’s responsibility to uphold the aim of the AFRCEA (Article 9 of Constitution) and to provide for the good governance of the school. Its task is to represent and speak for the interests of the AFRCEA members.
School Committee Responsibilities
The School Committee is
- to see to it that the schools’ teaching philosophies, curricula, programs and methods are in harmony with the Association’s Foundation set out in Article 2 of the Constitution;
- accountable for the development and implementation of effective processes to plan for, monitor and achieve improvements in student learning;
- responsible for the safety and welfare of the students;
- responsible for the financial management and legal compliance affecting the governance of the schools and the Association;
- responsible for the governance and strategic planning of the schools;
- responsible for the employment, appraisal, disciplining and dismissal of a Principal;
- responsible for overseeing the proper care and maintenance of any property owned by the Association.
School Committee Members
The School Committee currently comprises of the following members:
Chairman: Mr. Russell ‘t Hart
Vice-Chairman/Secretary: Mr. Andrew Van Burgel
Treasurer: Mr. John Witten
Property Manager: Mr. Jack de Vos
Incoming Treasurer: Mr. Andrew van Burgel
Building & Grounds Committee: Mr. Burke Roth
Safety Committee: Mr. Ryan ‘t Hart
School Committee Elections
School Committee members are elected for a three-year term after which they may be eligible for re-election. School Committee elections are generally held in March
Annual General Meeting
The School Committee convenes an annual general meeting for its members once per year, usually held in mid-March.